Language Attrition Research Archive


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Atkins, Paul W. B. () What happens when we relearn part of what we previously knew? Predictions and constraints for models of long-term memory. Psychological Research.

Schrader, Janett-Li () Linguistische Untersuchungen zum Wiedererwerb einer Zweitsprache vor dem Hintergrund psychologischer Erinnerungstheorien. Dissertation. University of Kiel.

MacLeod, Colin M. (1976) Bilingual episodic memory: Acquisition and forgetting. JVLVB 15, 347-364.

Nelson, Thomas O. (1978) Detecting small amounts of information in memory: Savings for nonrecognized items. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory 4, 5, 453-468.

Bahrick, Harry P. (1979) Maintenance of knowledge: Quetions about memory we forgot to ask. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General,108(3), 296-308.

Berman, Ruth (1979) The re-emergence of the bilingual: A case study of a Hebrew-English speaking child. Working Paperson Bilingualism 19:157-179.

Groninger, L. K. & L. D. Groninger (1980) A comparison of recognition and savings as retrieval measures: A reexamination. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 15(4), 263-266.

Hansen, Lynne (1980) Learning and forgetting a second language: The acquisition, loss and reacquisition of Hindi-Urdu negative structures by English-speaking children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation,University of California, Berkeley. Dissertation Abstracts International, 42,193A.

Loftus, E. (1980) Memory: surprising insights into how we remember and why we forget, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publ. Co.

Hansen, Lynne (1983) The acquisition and forgetting of Hindu-Urdu negation by English-speaking children. In Kathleen M. Bailey, Michael H. Long & Sabrina Peck (eds.). Second language acquisition studies (pp. 91-103) Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Nelson, Thomas O., D. Gerler & L. Narens (1984) Accuracy of feeling-of-knowing judgements for predicting perceptual identification and relearning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 113, 2, 282-300.

Nelson, Thomas O. (1985) Ebbinghaus's contribution to the measurement of retention: Savings during relearning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory 11, 3, 472-479.

Bahrick, Harry P. & E. Phelps (1988) The maintenance of marginal knowledge. U. Neisser & E. Winograd (eds.), Remembering reconsidered: Ecological and traditional approaches to the study of memory (pp. 178-192). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Gleason, Jean Berko (ed.). (1988) You can take it with you: Helping students maintain foreign language skills beyond the classroom. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.: Prentice Hall.

MacLeod, Colin M. (1988) Forgotten but not gone: Savings for pictures and words in long-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 42(2) 195-212.

Squire, L.R. (1989) On the course of forgetting in very long-term memory. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 15, 241-245.

Grendel, Marjon (1990) Verlies en herstel van Franse woordenkennis [Loss and recovery of French lexical knowledge], Gramma, Tijdschrift voor Taalkunde 14, 127-137.

Marmurek, H. H. & R. D. Grant (1990) Savings in a recognition test. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 44(3), 414-419.

Ratcliff, R. (1990) Connectionist models of recognition memory; Constraints imposed by learning and forgetting functions. Psychological Review, 97, 285-308.

Grendel, Marjon (1990, April) Attrition and reactivation of French lexical aspects, AILA - 9th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki (in Conference Abstracts, Vol.1, 40).

French, R.M. (1992) Semi-distributed representations and catastrophic forgetting in connectionist networks. Connection Science, 4, 365-377.

Plaut, D.C. (1992) Relearning after damage in connectionist networks: Implications for patient rehabilitation. In The Proceedings of the 14th Annual Cognitive Science Society Conference (pp. 372-377). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.

Grendel, Marjon (1993) Verlies en herstel van lexicale kennis, PhD thesis, Nijmegen: KUN.

Slobin, Dan I., L. Dasinger, A. Kyntay & C. Toupin (1993) Native language reacquisition in early childhood. In Eve V. Clark (Ed.). Proceedings of the 24th Annual Child Language Research Forum, 179-196.

Ammerlaan, Antonius A. (1995) Aspects of reactivation of a lost mother tongue. in B. Gruter & J. Stracke,(Eds.), DutchAustralians taking stock. Melbourne: Maroondah publishing.

Atkins, Paul W. B. (1995) Models of Memory and Relearning. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Cambridge, Cambridge.

Pries, Bertram & Wode, Henning (1995) Relearning a second language. Paper presented at the Second Langugage Research Forum (SLRF), Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, 29 September - 1 October 1995.

Schnell, Thorsten (1996) Erwerb und Entwicklung von Tempus und Aspekt beim L2-Wiedererwerb. Staatsexamsarbeit. University of Kiel.

Wode, Henning (1996) The reacquisition of languages: Some issues. Manuscript. Department of English. University of Kiel.

Yukawa, Emiko (1996, August) L1 Japanese attrition: Three case studies of two early bilingual children. In Lynne Hansen (Chair). Language attrition from cross-disciplinary perspectives. Symposium conducted at the AILA - 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä (in Conference Abstracts, 48).

Wode, Henning (1997) Neue Aufgabenfelder für die Zweitsprachenerwerbsforschung. In Bucher, Stefan, (ed.), Fehler und Lernerstrategien. Studien am Beispiel DaF in Korea. Hamburg: Lang. 11-37.

Yukawa, Emiko (1997) L1 Japanese attrition and regaining: Three case studies of two early bilingual children. Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University

Atkins, Paul W. B. & Jaap M. J. Murre (1998) Recovery of unrehearsed items in connectionist models. In Connection Science 10:2 99-119.

de Bot, Kees & Saskia Stoessel (1998) In search of Juffrouw Meijer's words: Reactivating a long forgotten language. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics conference, Seattle. Published in (2000). Applied Linguistics 21: 364-384.

Wode, Henning (1998) Der Wiedererwerb von Sprachen. Eine Forschungslücke. In Wegener, Heide, (ed.), Eine zweite Sprachelernen. Empirische Untersuchungen zum Zweitspracherwerb. Tübingen: Narr. 263-81.

Yukawa, Emiko (1998) L1 Japanese attrition and regaining: Three case studies of two early bilingual children. Studies in Japanese Linguistics series, Vol. 11, Tokyo: Kurosio.

Pries, Bertram (1999) Der natürliche L2-Erwerb des englischen Auxiliarsystems durch deutsche Kinder und sein Wiedererwerb. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation. University of Kiel.

Rohde, Andreas (1999) The aspect hypothesis and the L2 reacquisition of verbal inflection. Paper presented at EUROSLA 9, Lund, 10-12 June 1999.

de Bot, Kees & Saskia Stoessel (1999, March) Finding residual lexical knowledge: The 'savings'- approach to testing vocabulary. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics conference, Stamford, Connecticut.

Yukawa, Emiko (1999a, August) L1 Japanese attrition as a result of retrieval failure of intact linguistic knowledge: Evidence from bilingual children. In Lynne Hansen and Dorit Kaufman (Chairs). Language attrition: Retrospection and future directions. Symposium conducted at the AILA-12th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Tokyo: Waseda University.

Yukawa, Emiko (1999b) L1 Japanese attrition and regaining: The age and pre-attrition proficiency variables. In Peter Robinson (ed.). Representation and process: Proceedings of the 3rd Pacific Second Language Research Forum, Vol. 1 (pp. 321-335), Tokyo: PacSLRF'99 Aoyama University.

de Bot, Kees (2000) Review of Emiko Yukawa: L1 Japanese Attrition and Regaining: Three Case Studies of Two Early Bilingual Children. Applied Linguistics 21(1):147-149.

Pries, Bertram (2000) Wiedererwerb einer Zweitsprache: Erneutes Lernen oder Reaktivierung? Paper to be presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of Gesellschaft für Angewandte Linguistik (GAL), Bremen,28-30 September 2000.

Yukawa, Emiko (2000) Bairingaru o sodateru: Zero sai kara no eigo kyoiku. Tokyo: Kurosio.

Hansen, Lynne, Yukako Umeda & Melanie McKinney (2000, March) Forgotten but not gone: The use of the savings paradigm in the recovery of L2 Japanese and L2 Korean lexical knowledge. Paper presented at the AAAL conference, Vancouver, B.C.

Hansen, Lynne (2000, September) Extending the savings paradigm in the recovery of an attrited second language. In Dorit Kaufman (Chair). Language attrition: Crosslinguistic interplay and sociolinguistic perspectives. Symposium to be conducted at the Second Language Research Forum, Madison, Wisconsin.

de Bot, Kees (2001) A longitudinal study on savings with French as a foreign language. In Kees de Bot & Lynne Hansen (Chairs). Reactivating a 'forgotten' language: The savings-paradigm applied. Symposium conducted at AAAL 2001, St. Louis, Missouri.

Hansen, Lynne & Tomoko Asao (2001) Beyond vocabulary: Applying the savings paradigm to the relearning of Japanese grammatical particles. In Kees de Bot & Lynne Hansen (Chairs). Reactivating a 'forgotten' language: The savings-paradigm applied. Symposium conducted at AAAL 2001, St. Louis, Missouri.

Ioup, Georgette (2001) Exploring age and loss using the savings paradigm. In Kees de Bot & Lynne Hansen (Chairs). Reactivating a 'forgotten' language: The savings-paradigm applied. Symposium conducted at AAAL 2001, St. Louis, Missouri.

Tomiyama, Machiko (2001) Detecting a savings effect in longitudinal L2 attrition data. In Kees de Bot & Lynne Hansen (Chairs). Reactivating a 'forgotten' language: The savings-paradigm applied. Symposium conducted at AAAL 2001, St. Louis, Missouri.

Yukawa, Emiko (2001) Attrition, savings, and reactivation of L3 Swedish not used for 5 years. In Kees de Bot & Lynne Hansen (Chairs). Reactivating a 'forgotten' language: The savings-paradigm applied. Symposium conducted at AAAL 2001, St. Louis, Missouri.