Language Attrition Research Archive


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Hansen, L. ((2011)) The acquisition, attrition and relearning of mission vocabulary. In M.S. Schmidt & W. Lowie (Eds.), Modeling bilingualism: from structure to chaos, 115-134. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.

Kaufman, Dorit ((to appear)) Narrative development in Hebrew and English. In L. Verhoeven & S. Stromqvist (Eds.), Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Kloss, Heinz (1966) German-American language maintenance efforts. In Joshua A. Fishman (ed.), Language loyalty in the United States, The Hague: Mouton, 206-252.

Fromm, E. (1970) Age regression and unexpected reappearance of a repressed childhood language. International Journal of Clinical Experimental Hypnosis 18/2, 79-88.

Ostyn, P. (1972) American Flemish: A study in language loss and linguistic interference. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. New York: University of Rochester.

Caramazza, A. & E.B. Zurif (eds.) (1978) Language acquisition and language breakdown: Parallels and divergencies. Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press.

Edwards, John (1978) Language Attrition, the Extended Family and Residence Patterns in an Ethnic Community. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.

Berman, Ruth (1979) The re-emergence of a bilingual: A case study of a Hebrew-English speaking child. Working Papers on Bilingualism, 19, 157-180.

Campbell, Camilla B. (1979) Lexical and semantic transference among first generation Italians: A North Queensland case-study. AUMLA 51, 29-39.

Campbell, Camilla B. (1980) Second Generation Australian Italian in Giru, North Queensland. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 49-50, 5-22.Daswani, Chander J. (1985) Language attrition - The case of Indian Sindhi. In V.Z. Acson & R.L. Leed (eds.), For Gordon H. Fairbanks. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 191-198.

Fritsche, Michael (1980) Der Verlust schriftsprachlicher Fähigkeiten in der Muttersprache und Maßnahmen der Therapie. In P.H. Nelde (ed.), Sprachkontakt und Sprachkonflikt, Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner Verlag, 509-514.

Jamieson, Penny (1980) The pattern of urban language loss. ANZJS 16, 102-109.

Schach, P. (ed.) (1980) Languages in conflict: Linguistic acculturation on the Great Plains. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.

Van Vlerken, M. (1980) Adverbial placement in English: a study of first language loss. Unpublished master's thesis, Utrecht: University of Utrecht.

Andersen, Roger W. (1982) Determining the linguistic attributes of language attrition. In R.D. Lambert & B.F. Freed (eds.). The loss of language skills, 83-118.

Clark, J. L. D. (1982) Measurement Considerations in Language Attrition Research. In: R. D. Lambert and B. F. Freed. (Eds.) The Loss of Language Skills. Rowley, Massachusetts, Newbury House: 138-154.

Gardner, R. C. (1982) Social factors in language retention. In R.D. Lambert and B.F. Freed (Eds.), The Loss of Language Skills. Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 83-118.

Lambert, R.D. and Freed, B.F. (Eds.). (1982) The Loss of Language Skills. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Grosjean, François (1982) Life with two languages: An introduction to bilingualism. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Levy, Jack (1982) Policy implications/complications arising from native language attrition in U.S. ethnolinguistic minority groups', in R.D. Lambert & B.F. Freed (eds.), The loss of language skills, 191-201.

Obler, Loraine K. & M.L. Albert (1982) Language in aging, in M. Albert (ed.). Clinical neurology of aging, New York: OUP, 245-253.

Stevens, Gillian A. (1982) Minority language loss in the United States. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin, Madison (in Dissertation Abstracts International, July 1982, 43/01:274-A).

Williamson, Susan G. (1982b) Appendix B. Bibliography: Language skill attrition Project. In Richard D. Lambert & Barbara F. Freed (eds.), The loss of language skills, 225-238.

Kobayashi, T. (1983) Ibunk ni sodatsu kodomotachi [Children brought up in a different culture]. Tokyo: Yuhikaku.

Merino, Barbara J. (1983) Language loss in bilingual Chicano children. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 4, 277-294.

Van Els, T., de Bot, K., & Weltens, B. (1983) Language attrition research: A European perspective. Paper presented at the Meeting on Foreign Language and International Studies, Princeton, N.J., October 11_15, 1983.

Sharwood Smith, Michael A. (1983b) On first language loss in the second language acquirer: problems of transfer. In Susan Gass & Larry Selinker (eds.). Language transfer in language learning, Rowley, MA: Newbury House, 222-231.

Leyen, I. A. (1984) Native language attrition: a study of vocabulary decline. Ph. D. diss. The University of Texas at Austin.

Moag, Rodney (1984) Factors in language attrition: Taniel in Fiji, 1945-1975. Paper presented at the 6th SALA Round Table. Austin, TX.

Bettoni, Camilla (1985) Italian language attrition: A Sydney case study. In M. Clyne (ed.), Australia, meeting place of languages, Pacific Linguistics, Canberra: ANU, C/92:63-79.

Hiller-Foti, Ingrid (1985) Erhebung über den Verlust der Muttersprache deutscher Immigranten in Sizilien', Rassegna Italiana di Linguistica Applicata 17(1) 107-110.

Seliger, Herbert W. (1985) Primary language attrition in the context of other language loss and mixing. New York: Department of Linguistics, Queens College, City University, mimeo.

Daswani, C.J. (1985) Language Attrition- The Case of Indian Sindhi. Oceanic Linguistics Special Publications. In. University of Hawai'i Press, No. 20,pp. 191-198.

Ammerlaan, Antonius A. (1986) First language attrition on second language environment. Second Language Acquisition Workshop, Sydney: University of Sydney.

Bettoni, Camilla (1986) Italian language attrition in Sydney: the role of birth order. In C. Bettoni (ed.). Altro Polo - Italian abroad: Studies on language contact in English-speaking countries. Sydney: University of Sydney, 61-85.

Boyd, Sally (1986) Using the present to predict the future in language contact: The case of immigrant minority languages in Sweden. In Bert Weltens et al. (eds.), Language attrition in progress, 99-115.

Burnham, Denis K. (1986) Developmental loss of speech perception: Exposure to and experience with a first language. Applied Psycholinguistics 7, 207-240.

Caporael, L. & G. Culbertson (1986) Verbal response modes of baby talk and other speech at institutions for the aged. Language & Communication 6, 1/2, 99-112.

Davies, Alan (1986) Language loss and symbolic gain: The meaning of institutional maintenance. In Weltens et al. (eds.). Language attrition in progress, 117-127.

de Bot, Kees, & Toke Linsten (1986) Foreign-language proficiency in the ederly. In Weltens, de Bot, & Van Els (eds.), (pp. 131-141).

Emery, O.B. (1986) Linguistic decrement in normal aging', Language & Communication 6 (1), 47-64.

Jaspaert, Koen, Sjaak Kroon & R. Van Hout (1986) Points of reference in first-language loss research. In Weltens et al. (eds.). Language attrition in progress, 37-49.

Kynette, D. & S. Kemper (1986) 'Aging and the loss of grammatical forms: A cross-sectional study of language performance', Language & Communication 6, 1/2, 65-72.

Münstermann, Henk & Toon Hagen (1986) Functional and structural aspects of dialect loss: A research plan and some first results. In Weltens et al. (eds.). Language attrition in progress, 75-96.

Pan, Barbara & Jean Berko-Gleason (1986) The study of language loss: Models and hypotheses for an emerging discipline. Applied Psycholinguistics 7, 193-206.

Lambert, R. D. & Moore, S. J. (1986) Problem Areas in the Study of Language Attrition. In: Weltens, B., de Bot, K. & van Els, T. (eds.), Language Attrition in Progress, Studies on Language Acquisition (p. 177 - p. 186). Dordrecht, NL: Foris Publications

Py, Bernard (1986) Native language attrition amongst migrant workers: Towards an extension of the concept of interlanguage. In Eric Kellerman & Michael A. Sharwood Smith (eds.). Crosslinguistic influence in second language acquisition, New York: Pergamon, 163-172.

Ryan, Ellen B., Howard Giles, G. Bartolucci & K. Henwood (1986) Psycholinguistic and social psychological components of communication by and with the elderly. Language & Communication 6(1/2) 1-24.

Sawaie, M. (1986) The present and future status of a minority language: the case of Arabic in the United States. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 7, 31-40.

Van Els, Theo J.M. (1986) An overview of language attrition. In Bert Weltens et al. (eds.). Language attrition in progress, 3-18.

Van Els, T. (1986) An overview of European research on language attrition. In B. Weltens, K. de Bot and T. van Els (eds.) Language attrition in progress. (pp. 3-18). Dordrecht, Holland: Foris.

Weltens, Bert, Kees De Bot & Theo Van Els (eds.) (1986) Language attrition in progress, Dordrecht: Foris Publications.

van Els, T. (1986) An overview of European Research on language Attrition. In Weltens, N de Bot, K and Van Els, T. (Eds.) 'language Attrition in Progress'. 3-18. Dordrecht Foris Publications.

Kaufman, Dorit & S.N. Sridhar (1986 (December)) The process of becoming a bilingual: simultaneous language loss and language acquisition. LSA/AAAL Annual Conference, New York.

Ammerlaan, Antonius A. (1987) Attrition and interlanguage development. Explaining Interlanguage Development Workshop. Melbourne: La Trobe University.

Appel, René & Pieter Muysken (1987) Language loss. In R. Appel & P. Muysken. Language contact and bilingualism, London: Edward Arnold, 42-45.

Bettoni, Camilla & John Gibbons (1987) Italian speakers in Australia: Creative in practice but traditional in attitudes. ARAL S/4, 66-80.

Eckert, E. (1987) Lexicon of the first generation American Czechs. Review of Applied Linguistics 76, 25-41.

Jaspaert, Koen & Sjaak Kroon (1987, June) Language loss of Italian immigrants in the Netherlands. Elaborated version of a paper (n.d.) presented at the Conferenzia nel quadro dei lunedi linguistici, Università di Roma: Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio (printed in part (1989). Social determinants of language loss. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 83-84, 75-98).

Boyd, Sally & Paula Andersson (1988) Linguistic change among bilingual speakers of Finnish and American English in Sweden -- Background and some tentative findings. Version 3. Workshop on Maintenance and Loss of Ethnic Minority Languages, Noordwijkerhout, NL, mimeo.

Buckley, Dominique (1988) First language attrition in additive bilinguals. MA thesis, Honolulu: Department of English as a Second Language, University of Hawaii.

Eckert, E. (1988) First generation American Czech: A sociolinguistic survey. Language Problems and Language Planning 12(1), 97-101.

Huls, Erica & Anneke Van de Mond (1988) Some aspects of language attrition in Turkish families in the Netherlands. International Conference on the Maintenance and Loss of Ethnic Minority Languages, Noordwijkerhout (printed in W. Fase et al. (eds.) (1992). Maintenance and loss of minority languages, 99-115).

Kaufman, Dorit & Mark Aronoff (1988) First language attrition - implications for second language acquisition. Presented at the 22nd Annual Convention of TESOL, Chicago, IL.

Schappis, U. (1988) The aged of non-English speaking background in Australia. In P. Brown (ed.), Health care and the aged: A nursing perspective, Sydney: Williams & William

Van Marle, Jaap & Caroline Smits (1988) Generalization strategies in language loss. In W.U. Dressler et al. (eds.). Discussion Papers for the Sixth International Phonology Meeting and Third International Morphology Meeting: Beiheft 8 of the Wiener Linguistische Gazette 8(3), 13-15.

Pfaff, Carol W. (1988, August-September) Turkish in contact with German: language maintenance and loss among immigrant children in West Berlin. Paper presented at the International Conference on Maintenance and Loss of Ethnic Minority Languages. Noordwijkerhout (printed (1991) in IJSL 90, 97-129).

Schoenmakers-Klein Gunnewiek, Marian (1988, August-September) Measuring first language loss. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Maintenance and Loss of Ethnic Minority Languages, Noordwijkerhout, NL (Revised version: (1989) Structural aspects of the loss of Portuguese among migrants: a research outline. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 83-84, 99-124).

Schatz, Henriëtte F. (1988a) The language of Dutch immigrants: Dialect museum or laboratory for dialect loss. In T.J. Broos (ed.). Papers from the 3rd Interdisciplinary Conference on Netherlandic Studies, Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 157-166.

Schatz, Henriëtte F. (1988b, August-September) Intrasentential English elements in the speech of Dutch-American immigrants.Paper presented at the International Conference on the Maintenance and Loss of Ethnic Minority Languages, Noordwijkerhout, NL.

Bettoni, Camilla (1989) Language loss among Italians in Australia: A summary of current research. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 83-84, 37-50.

Jaspaert, K. and Kroon, S. (1989) Social determinants in language loss. Review of Applied Linguistics, 83-84, 75-98.

Lambert, R. D. (1989) Language attrition. I.T.L., 83-84, 1-16.

de Bot, Kees, & Toke Linsten (1989) Perception of own language proficiency by elderly adults. I.T.L. Review of Applied Linguistics 83, 51-61.

Gal, Susan (1989) Lexical innovation and loss: The use and value of restricted Hungarian. In N.C. Dorian (ed.). Investigating obsolescence, 313-334.

Gunnewiek, M.S. (1989) Structural aspects of the loss of Portuguese among migrants. I.T.L. Review of Applied Linguistics, 83, 99-124.

Harres, Annette (1989) "Being a good German": A case study analysis of language retention and loss among German migrants in North Queensland. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 10(5), 383-399.

Münstermann, Henk (1989) Dialect loss in Maastricht: Attitudes, functions and structures. In K. Deprez (ed.). Language intergroup relations. Dordrecht: Foris Publications, 99-128.

Obler, Loraine K. & M.L. Albert (1989) Language decline in aging. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics 83-84, 63-73.

Pons, C.R. (1989) Book review of "Language attrition in progress". SSLA 11/2, 217-218.

Taft, R. & Cahil, D. (1989) Mother tongue maintenance in Lebanese immigrant families in Australia. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 10, 129-143.

Weltens, B. (1989) 'The attrition of french as a foreign language.'. Dordrecht: Foris.

Kaufman, Dorit (1989, March) Interlanguage in L1 attrition - an interplay between two languages. 23rd Annual Convention of TESOL, San Antonio, TX.

Bettoni, Camilla (1990) Italian language attrition in Sydney: The role of dialect. In M.A.K. Halliday et al. (eds.). Learning, keeping, and using language, Vol. II. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 75-89.

Eckert, E. (1990) Simplification in transplanted languages: A study of motion verbs in American Czech. Review of Applied Linguistics 87-88, 95-118.

Silva-Corvalán, Carmen (1990) 'Language attrition in progress - Book Review', Linguistics 28/1, 153-157.

de Bot, Kees (1990, September) Metalinguistic skills in Dutch immigrants in Australia. Combined ALAA/ALS Conference, Sydney: Macquarie University (in Conference Abstracts, 49).

Waas, Margit (1990, September) Not to lose you, my language. Combined ALAA/ ALS Conference, Sydney: Macquarie University (in Conference Abstracts, 49).

Ammerlaan, Antonius A. (1990a) Linguistic variables in L1 attrition, Combined ALAA/ALS Conference. Sydney: Macquarie University (in Conference Abstracts, 49).

Ammerlaan, Antonius A. (1990b October / 1990c, November) Reasons for language loss amongst the Dutch I / II, Dutch Courier, 12-13 / 16-17.

Altenberg, Evelyn P. (1991) Assessing first language vulnerability to attrition. In Herbert.W. Seliger & Robert M. Vago (eds.). First language attrition, 189-206. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Ammerlaan, Antonius A. (1991) Testing linguistic variables in first language attrition. In F. Lovejoy (ed.), Studies in language loss, 20-41.

de Bot, Kees & Bert Weltens (1991) Recapitulation, regression, and language loss. In Seliger and Vago (eds.), (pp. 31-52).

Dressler, W., U. (1991) The sociolinguistic and patholinguistic attrition of Breton phonology, morphology and morphonology. In H.W Seliger and R.M Vago (Eds.), First language attrition, 99-112. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Huffines, Marien L. (1991) Pennsylvania German: convergence and change as strategies of discourse. In Seliger Vago (eds.), First language attrition, 125-137.

Schmidt, A. (1991) Language attrition in Boumaa Fijian and Dyirbal. In H.W. Seliger & R.M Vago (Eds.), First language attrition, 113-124. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.

Kaufman, Dorit (1991) First language attrition as a creative interplay between two languages. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, New York: State University of NY at Stony Brook.

Kaufman, Dorit & Mark Aronoff (1991) Morphological disintegration and reconstruction in first language attrition. In Seliger & Vago (eds.), 175-188.

Olshtain, Elite & Margaret Barzilay (1991) Lexical retrieval difficulties in adult language attrition. In Seliger & Vago (eds.). First language attrition, 139-150.

Schaufeli, Anneli (1991) Turkish in an immigrant setting: A comparative study of the first language of monolingual and bilingual Turkish children. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam.

Sharwood Smith, Michael A. & Paul Van Buren (1991) First language attrition and the parameter-setting model', in H.W. Seliger & R.M. Vago (eds.). First language attrition, 17-30.

Silva-Corvalán, Carmen (1991) Spanish language attrition in a contact situation with English. In Herbert W. Seliger & Robert M. Vago (eds.). First language attrition, 151-171.

Turian, Donna & Evelyn P. Altenberg (1991) Compensatory strategies of child first language attrition. In Herbert W. Seliger & Robert M. Vago (eds.), First language attrition, 207-226.

Vago, Robert M. (1991) Paradigmatic regularity in first language attrition. In Herbert W. Seliger & Robert M. Vago (eds.), First language attrition, 241-251.

de Bot, Kees, Gommans, Paul and Rossing, Carola. (1991) L1 loss in an L2 environment:Dutch immigrants in France. In 'First Language Attrition', Herbert W.Seliger and Robert M.Vago (eds). 87-98. Cambridge University Press.

Seliger, Herbert W. and Vago, Robert M. (1991) The study of first language attrition: an overview. In 'First Language Attrition', Herbert W. Seliger and Robert M. Vago. 3-15. Cambridge University Press.

Sharwood Smith, Mike and van Buren, Paul. (1991) First language attrition and the parameter settin model. In 'First Language Attrition' Herbert W. Seliger and Robert M.Vago. 17-30. cambridge Universtiy Press.

Kaufman, Dorit (1991, March) Attrition in children’s first language verb construction. Paper presented at the AAAL Annual Conference, New York.

Seliger, Herbert W. (1991a) Deterioration and creativity in childhood bilingualism. In Lorraine Obler & Kenneth Hyltenstam (eds.). Bilingualism across the life span. Cambridge: CUP, 173-184.

Seliger, Herbert W. & Robert M. Vago (eds.) (1991a) First language attrition: structural and theoretical perspectives. Cambridge: CUP.

Waas, Margit (1991a) On language attrition. In F. Lovejoy (ed.), Studies in language loss, 5-21.

Seliger, Herbert W. (1991b) Language attrition, reduced redundancy, and creativity. In Seliger & Vago (eds.), First Language Attrition, 227-240.

Waas, Margit (1991b) Aspects of non-pathological language loss: Selected bibliography. In F. Lovejoy (ed.), Studies in language loss, 55-72.

Allard, Réal & Rodrigue Landry (1992) Ethnolinguistic vitality beliefs and language maintenance and loss. In W. Fase et al. (eds.). Maintenance and loss of minority languages, 171-195.f

Folmer, J. (1992) Dutch immigrants in New Zealand: A case study of language shift and language loss. Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 15:177-193.

Huls, E. & van de Mond (1992) Some aspects of language attrition in Turkish families in the Netherlands. In W. Fase, K. Jaspaert & S. Kroon (Eds.), Maintenance and loss of minority languages, 99-115. Amsterdam, John Benjamins.

Hakuta, Kenji & D. D’Andrea (1992) Some properties of bilingual maintenance and loss in Mexican background high-school students. Applied Linguistics 13(1) 72-99.

Jaspaert, Koen & Sjaak Kroon (1992) From the typewriter of A.L.: a case study in language loss. In Fase et al. (eds.), Maintenance and loss of minority languages, 137-147.

Major, Roy C. (1992) Losing English as a first language. Modern Language Journal 76, 190-209.

Ousman, M. (1992) The structural dimensions of language attrition: Case studies of L1 Mabang attrition. Unpublished master's thesis, The American University in Cairo.

Yoshitomi, A. (1992) Towards a Model of Language Attrition: neurological and psychological contributions. In: Issues in Applied Linguistics; Vol 3, No 2: 293-318

Schaufeli, Anneli (1992) A domain approach to the Turkish vocabulary of bilingual Turkish children in the Netherlands. In Fase et al. (eds.). Maintenance and loss of minority languages, 117-135.

Waas, Margit (1992) "What future has my past?": Intragenerational language attrition among German speakers in Sydney, Australia. Manitoba Heritage Review 7, 17-21.

Kaufman, Dorit (1992, March) First language attrition: crosslinguistic restructuring in children’s verbs. Paper presented at the AAAL Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.

Ammerlaan, Antonius A. (1993) Taalverlies onder Nederlandse emigranten. Newsletter Australia 3.3, 3-5.

Eckert, E. (1993) Language change: The testimony of Czech tombstone inscriptions in Praha, Texas. In E. Eckert (ed.), Varieties in Czech. Atlanta: Rodopi, 189-215.

Falstein, Simone & Margit Waas (1993) Migrants face erosion of their mother tongue. Post Migration 90, 19-20.

Major, R. (1993) Losing English as a first language. The Modern language Journal, No.76, 190-208.

Hyltenstam, Kenneth. & Åke Viberg (1993) Progression and regression in language: Sociocultural, neuropsychological and linguistic perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Polinsky, M. (1993) Language attrition and pidgin/creole syntax. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America and Society for Pidgin and Creole Linguistics, Los Angeles.

Waas, Margit (1993) Loss of first language skills in the community: Intermediate stage. Language Problems and Language Planning 17(3) 225-237.

Waas, Margit (1993) Language attrition among German speakers in Australia: A sociolinguistic inquiry, Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Macquarie University, Sydney (in Dissertation Abstracts International (DAI), 55/03C/C360212, and Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA), 29/2: 9503681).

Waas, Margit & Anke Ryan (1993) Onomatopoeia in language attrition. Linguistische Berichte 148, 477-482.

Bahrick, Harry P., L.K. Hall, J.P. Goggin, L.E. Bahrick & S.A. Berger (1994) Fifty years of language maintenance and language dominance in bilingual Hispanic immigrants. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 123, 264-283.

Bravo de Urquía, Loreto (1994) Atrición y regresión. Problemas de merma lingüística. In R. Martín-Gaitero (ed.), V Encuentros Complutenses en torno a la traducción. Madrid: Editorial Complutense, 99-104.

de Bot, Kees & Michael G. Clyne (1994) A 16-year longitudinal study of language attrition in Dutch immigrants in Australia. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 15(1), 17-28.

El Aissati, A. & Kees de Bot (1994) Moroccan Arabics in the Netherlands: Acquisition and loss. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics 20:177-192.

Ishiguro, Toshiaki (1994) Two suggested threshold levels in L1 and L2 attrition processes. Studies in Humanities 12 [Tokyo: Kanagawa University].

Protassova, Ekaterina (1994) Veränderungen in der russischen Sprache der russlanddeutschen Kinder in Deutschland. In Meng & Rehbein (eds.), Kinderkommunikation, ms., 33 pp.

Silva-Corvalán, Carmen (1994) Language contact and change: Spanish in Los Angeles, Oxford: Clarendon Press.

Al Arishi, Ali Yahya. (1994) Language Attrition of Saudi ESL- and EFL- Trained Teachers: Articles and Prepositions.In. Journal of King Saud University. Educational Sciences & Islamic Studies. Volume 6, No 2. (1994/1414),1-19.

Waas, Margit (1994) "Deutschies" und "Australianer": Sprachverlust unter Deutschsprachigen in Australien. Muttersprache 104/4, 312-319.

Ellis, Rod (1994) 'The Study of Second Language Acquistion'. Oxford Universtiy Press.

Protassova, Ekaterina (1994, June) The loss and maintenance of Russian as a home language by children in Finland. Paper presented at the International Conference on Immigration, Language Acquisition and Patterns of Social Integration, Jerusalem.

Kaufman, Dorit (1994, March) Word innovation in L1 attrition: Hybrid linguistic productions. Paper presented at the AAAL Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.

Grüter, B. & J. Stracke (eds.) (1995) Dutch Australians taking stock, Ringwood: Maroondah Printing.

Håkansson, G. (1995) Syntax and morphology in language attrition: A study of five bilingual expatriate Swedes. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 5, 2, 153-71.

Waas, Margit & Frances Lovejoy (1995) Content analysis of fluency in controlled association: Results for Australian-German speakers. Journal of National Chung Cheng University 6(1), 297-323.

de Bot, Kees (1996) Language loss. In H. Goebl, P.H. Nelde, Z. Stary & W. Wolck (eds.). Contact linguistics. An international handbook of contemporary research (pp. 579-585). Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.

Seliger, Herbert W. (1996) Primary language attrition in the context of bilingualism. In W. C. Ritchie & T. K. Bhatia (eds). Handbook of second language acquisition. San Diego: Academic Press

Ammerlaan, Tom (1996) 'you get a bit wobbly...'-Exploring bilingual lexical retrieval process in the context of first language attrition. Ph.D. thesis, Katholieke Universiteit Nijmegen.

Waas, Margit (1996) Language attrition downunder. Frankfurt - New York: Peter Lang.

de Bode, Stella. (1996) First language attrition: productive morphology disintergration and neurobiological support. A case study. M.A. thesis, California state Polytechnic University.

Waas, Margit. (1996) 'Language Attrition Downunder'. Frankfurt: Peter Lang.

National Institute of Education (1996 ->) Language attrition in Chinese speakers in Singapore and the UK, Ongoing Research Project with Newcastle University. Singapore: Nanyang Technological University.

Waas, Margit (1996, August) Absence of sounds in language attrition. In Lynne Hansen (Chair). Language Attrition from Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives. Symposium conducted at the AILA - 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä (in Conference Abstracts, 48).

Yukawa, Emiko (1996, August) L1 Japanese attrition: Three case studies of two early bilingual children. In Lynne Hansen (Chair). Language attrition from cross-disciplinary perspectives. Symposium conducted at the AILA - 11th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Jyväskylä, Finland: University of Jyväskylä (in Conference Abstracts, 48).

de Bode, Stella (1997) A neurobiological basis for SLA and first language attrition. 31st TESOL Annual Convention. Orlando, FL (in Conference Abstracts, 59).

Dutkova, Lida (1997) Assessing child L1 and L2 narrative competence: Evidence for L1 attrition. In Dorit Kaufman & Lynne Hansen (Chairs) First and Second Language Attrition: Insights from Production Data. Symposium conducted at the AAAL Annual Conference, Orlando, FL (in Conference Abstracts, 77).

Kaufman, Dorit (1997) Where have all the verbs gone: Autonomy and interaction in attrition. Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Special Issue on Language Loss and Public Policy, I. 14, 43-66.

Major, Roy C. (1997) L2 acquisition, L1 loss, and the Critical Period Hypothesis. In A. James & J. Leather (Eds.) Second language speech structure and process (pp. 147-159). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.

Saville-Troike, Muriel, J. Pan & Lida Dutkova (1997) Differential effects of English on L1 development/attrition', Southwest Journal of Linguistics, Special issue on language loss and public policy 14.

Polinsky, M (1997) American Russian: language loss meets language acquisition. In W.Browne (Ed.), Annual workshop on formal approaches to Slavic linguistics (pp. 371–406). Ann Arbor : Michigan Slavic Publications.

Stoessel, Saskia (1997) 'Mother tongue maintenance among isolated immigrants in the US'. Talk presented at the Annual Conference of the American Association of Applied Linguistics in Orlando, FL.

Waas, Margit (1997) First language loss: Reflex responses, repartee and sound symbolism. Language Problems and Language Planning 21/1, in press.

Yagmur, Kutlay (1997) Sociolinguistic and linguistic aspects of first language attrition among Turkish speakers in Sydney. Doctoral dissertation, University of Nijmegen. Studies in Multilingualism 7. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press

Yukawa, Emiko (1997) Language Attrition from the Psycholinguistic Perspective: A Literature Review. Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University.

Yukawa, Emiko (1997) L1 Japanese attrition and regaining: Three case studies of two early bilingual children. Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University

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Köpke, B. (2007) Language attrition at the crossroads of brain, mind, and society. In B. Köpke, M. S. Schmid, M. Keijzer, and S. Dostert (Eds.). Language Attrition: Theoretical Perspectives (pp. 9-37). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

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Gurel, A. (2007) (Psycho)linguistic determinants of L1 attrition. In B. Kopke, M.S. Schmidt, M. Keijzer & S. Dosert (Eds.), Language attrition: theoretical perspective, 99-120. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

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Jiménez Jiménez, A. F. (2007) Stimulated recall methodology in language attrition research. In B. Köpke, M. S. Schmid, M. Keijzer, & S.Dostert (Eds.), Language attrition: Theoretical perspectives (pp.227︲248). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Köpke, B. (2007) Language attrition at the crossroads of brain, mind, and society. In B. Köpke, M. S. Schmid, M. Keijzer, & S. Dostert (Eds.), Language attrition: Theoretical perspectives (pp.9︲37). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

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Ben-Rafael, M. & Schmid, M. S. (2007) Language Attrition and Ideology: two groups of immigrants in Israel. In: Köpke, B., Schmid, M. S., Keijzer, M., and Dostert, S., editors, Language Attrition: theoretical perspectives, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 205-26.

Park, H. S. (2007) Have adopted Koreans really lost their language? Paper presented at the International Symposium on Bilingualism, June 2007, Hamburg,Germany.

Laleko, O. (2007) A study of language attrition: American Russian in Minnesota. Linguistic Forum, 51, 103︲112

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Köpke, Barbara, Monika S. Schmid, Merel Keijzer, Susan Doster (eds.) (2007) Language Attrition: Theoretical Perspectives. Amsterdam/Philadephia: John Benjamins.

Major, Roy C. & Barbara O. Baptista (Eds.) (2007) First Language Attrition in Foreign Accent Detection. In. New Sounds 2007: Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on the Acquisition of Second Language Speech. Florianópolis, Brazil: Federal University of Santa Catarina, 336-341.

Ramirez, D. (2007) Language attrition and language maintenance: The case of Colombian immigrants in New York State. Dissertation Abstracts International, 68(6), 2433︲2433A.

Tsimpli, I. M. (2007) First language attrition from a minimalist perspective: Interface vulnerability and processing effects. In B. Köpke, M S. Schmid, M. Keijzer, & S. Dostert (Eds.), Language attrition: Theoretical perspectives (pp.83︲98). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Sands, Bonny, Amanda L. Miller & Johanna Brugman (2007) The Lexicon in Language Attrition: The Case of N|uu. In. Doris L. Payne and Jaime Peña: Selected Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference on African Linguistics.Cascadilla Proceedings Project, Somerville, MA, USA, 55-65.

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Isurin, Ludmila (2007) Teachers’ Language: The Effects of L1 attrition, The Modern Language Journal, Volume 91,3, 357-372

Pallier, Christophe. (2007) Critical periods in language acquisition and language attrition. In 'Language Attrition: Theoretical perspectives', Barbara Kopke, Monika S.Schmid, Merel Keijzer and Susan Dostert(eds). 155-68. Amsterdam/Philidelphia: John Benjamins.

Paradis, Michel (2007) L1 attrition features predicted by a neurolinguistic theory of bilingualism. In 'Language Attrition:Theoretical Perspectives', Monika S. Schmid, Barbara Kopke, Merel Keijzer and Susan Dostert(eds). 121-33. Amsterdam/Philidelphia: John Benjamins.

Schmid, Monika S. (2007) The role of L1 use for L1 attrition. In 'Language Attrition: Theoretical Perspectives', Monika S. Schmid, Barbara Kopke, Merel Keijzer and Susan Dostert (eds). 135-53. Amsterdam/Philidelphia: John Benjamins.

Schmid, Monika S. and Kopke, Barbara. (2007) Billingualism and attrition. In 'Language Attrition: Theoretical Perspectives', Monika S. Schmid, Barbara Kopke, Merel Keijzer and Susan Dostert(eds). 1-8. Amsterdam/Philidelphia: John Benjamins.

de Bot, Kees. (2007) Dynamic systems theory, lifespan development and language attrition. In Barbara Kopke, Monika S. Schmid, Merel Keijzer and Susan Dostert (Eds),'First Language Attrition: Theoretical Perspectives'. Amsterdam;Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Prescher, P. (2007) Identity, immigration and first language attrition. In Barbara Kopke, Monika S. Scmid, Merel Keijzer and Susan Dostert(Eds). 'First Language Attrition: Theoretical Perspectives'. 108-205. Amsterdam, Philidelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

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Crezee, Ineke H. M. (2008) I understand it well, but I cannot say it proper back: language use among older Dutch migrants in New Zealand. PhD dissertation, University of Auckland.

Jamai, Abdeslam. (2008) Language Use and Maintenance among the Moroccan Minority in Britain. PhD dissertation, University of Salford.

Leeuw, Esther de. (2008) When your native language sounds foreign: A phonetic investigation into first language attrition. PhD dissertation, Queen Margaret University Edinburgh.

de Bot, Kees. (2008) Introduction: Second Language Development as a Dynamic Process. The Modern Language Journal 92(2): 166-178.

Taura, H. (2008) Language attrition and retention in Japanese returnee students. Tokyo: Akashi Shoten.

Kim, Sun H. O. and Starks, Donna (2008) The role of emotions in L1 attrition: The case of Korean-English late bilinguals in New Zealand. International Journal of Bilingualism. 12(4), 303-319.

Montrul, S. (2008) Incomplete acquisition in bilingualism: re-examining the age factor. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Priven, D. (2008) Grievability of First Language Loss: Towards a Reconceptualisation of European Minority Language Education Practices. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11(1), 95-106.

Cuza-Blanco, A. (2008) The L2 acquisition and L1 attrition of the interpretation and use of aspectual properties in Spanish among Englishspeaking L2 learners and long-term Spanish immigrants. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

de Leeuw, E. (2008) First language attrition of intonation in German immigrants to Anglophone Canada. In M. S. Schmid & E. de Leeuw (Organizers), ReN language attrition . Symposium conducted at the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, Germany.

Ehrensberger-Dow, M., & Ricketts, C. (2008) Language attrition: Measuring how‘ Wobbly’ people become in their L1. 5th Days of Swiss Linguistics: 20︲21 November. Winterthur, Switzerland.

Fader, L. (2008) An ethnographic study of language attrition and change in the Judeo-Spanish of two Sephardic Philadelphia families. Dissertation Abstracts International, 69 (1), 200︲200A.

Goral, M., Libben, G., Obler, L. K., Jarema, G., & Ohayon, K. (2008) Lexical attrition in younger and older bilingual adults. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 22(7), 509︲522.

Lubinska, D. (2008) First language attrition in Polish speakers in Sweden. In M. S. Schmid & E. de Leeuw (Organizers), ReN language attrition . Symposium conducted at the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, Germany.

Taura, H. & Taura, A (2008) Expatriate Student's L2 Writing Retention and Attrition Back in the L1 Environment. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics 12/2008; 156:297-298.

Bylund, E. (2008) Age Differences in First Language. Stockholm University PhD dissertation.

Priven, D. (2008) Grievability of First Language Loss: Towards a Reconceptualisation of European Minority Language Education Practices International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 11 (1) (2008), pp. 95–106

Block, David (2008) On the Appropriateness of the Metaphor of LOSS. In Peter K.W. Tan and Rani Rubdy (Eds.), Language as Commodity: Global Structures, Local Marketplaces. London: Continuum, 186-203.

Lubinska, D. (2008) First language attrition in Polish speakers in Sweden. In M. S. Schmid & E. de Leeuw (Organizers), ReN language attrition . Symposium conducted at the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, Germany

Opitz, C. (2008) L1 attrition in adult bilinguals: The impact of L2 proficiency, language use and linguistic aptitude. In M. S. Schmid & E. de Leeuw (Organizers), ReN language attrition . Symposium conducted at the 15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics, Essen, Germany.

Kumar, Nootan, Pavel Trofimovich & Elizabeth Gatbonton (eds.) (2008) Investigating Heritage Language and Culture Links: An Indo-Canadian Hindu Perspective. In. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Volume 29, Issue 1, pages 49 - 65. Department of Education/TESL Centre, Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance, Concordia University. Montreal, Canada.

de Leeuw, Esther. (2008) When your native language sounds foreign: a phonetic investigation into first language attrition. Ph.D. thesis, Queen Margaret University, Edinburugh.

Gurel, Ayse. (2008) Review article: Research on first language attrition of morphosyntax in adult bilinguals. 'Second Language Research'24(3): 431-49.

Schmid, Monika S. (2008) Defining language attrition, Retrieved September 24, 2010, from Babylonia Web Site:, 9-12.

Taura, H. (2008b) Is language attrition caused by the qualitative change in one’s mental lexicon or a mere retrieval failure?: An exploratory study using Myers-Scotton’s 4-M model. Procesdings of the 6th International Conference of Cognitive Science (pp.151︲154). Seoul, Korea.

Dostert, Susan. (2009) Multilingualism, L1 attrition and the concept of 'native speaker'. PhD dissertation, Heinrich-Heine Universität Düsseldorf.

Schmid, M. S. (2009) On L1 attrition and the linguistic system. EUROSLA Yearbook 9, 212-244.

Schmid, M. S., & Keijzer, M. (2009) First language attrition and reversion among older migrants. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, 200, 83–101.

Kim, J., Montrul, S., & Yoon, J. (2009) Binding interpretations of anaphors by Korean heritage speakers. Language Acquisition, 16(1), 3︲35.

Bylund, E. (2009) Maturational constraints and first language attrition. In: Language Learning; 59(3): 687-715

S. Jeffrey, S.L. Browers (2009) Preserved Implicit Knowledge of a Forgotten Childhood Language Psyhchological Science, 20 (9) (2009), pp. 1064–1069

Bylund Spangberg, Emanuel. (2009) Maturational constraints and first language attrition. 'Language Learning' 59(3): 687-715.

Bylund E., Abrahamsson N., Hyltenstam K. (2009) The role of language aptitude in first language attrition: the case of pre-pubescent attriters. Appl. Ling. 31 443–464. 10.1093/applin/amp059

Schmid, Monika. S. (2010) Quantitive analyses in a multivariative study of language attrition: the impact of extralinguistic factors.

Mehotcheva, Teodora. (2010) After the fiesta is over: Foreign language attrition of Spanish in Dutch and German Erasmus students. PhD Dissertaion, University of Groningen.

Xu, Xiaoyan. (2010) English language attrition and retention in Chinese and Dutch university students. PhD dissertation, University of Groningen.

Chang, Charles B. (2010) First Language Phonetic Drift During Second Language Acquisition. PhD dissertation, Berkeley: University of California.

Schmid, M. S. & Dusseldorp, E. (2010) Quantitative analyses in a multivariate study of language attrition: The impact of extralinguistic factors. Second Language Research 26(1), 125-160.

Schmid, M. S. (2010) Languages at play: The relevance of L1 attrition to the study of bilingualism. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13(1), 1-7.

Schmid, M.S. & Beers Fägersten, K. (2010) Fluency and language attrition. Language Learning 60 (4), 753-791.

Schmitt, Elena. (2010) When boundaries are crossed: Evaluating language attrition data from two perspectives. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13(1), 62-72.

Keijzer, Merel. (2010) The Regression Hypothesis as a Framework for First Language Attrition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13(Special Issue 01), 9-18.

Linck, J. A., J. F. Kroll, et al. (2010) Losing Access to the Native Language while Immersed in a Second Language: Evidence for the Role of Inhibition in Second-Language Learning. Psychological Science, 20(12), 1507-1515.

Stolberg, D. & Munch, A. (2010) "Die Muttersprache vergisst man nicht" - or do you? A case study in L1 attrition and its (partial) reversal. Bilingualism: Language and cognition No.13(1), 19-31.

Celata, C. & Cancila, J. (2010) Phonological attrition and perceptual decay: the consonant length feature in the Luchesse community in San Francisco (CA). International Journal of Bilingualism No.14(2), 185-209.

Kim, J-H., Montrul, S. & Yoon, J. (2010) Dominant language influence in acquisition and attrition of binding: interpretation of the Korean reflexive caki. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition No.13, 73-84.

Zaretsky, E. & Bar-Shalom, E (2010) Does reading in shallow L1 orthography slow attrition of language specific morphological structures? Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics No.24(4-5), 401-415

Flores, C (2010) The effect of age on language attrition: evidence from bilingual returnees.Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 13(4), 533-546

Bylund, Emanuel, Abrahamsson Niclas and Hytenstam, Kenneth. (2010) The Role of Language Aptitude in First Language Attrition: The Case of pre-pubescent Attriters. 'Applied Linguistics', 31(3) 443-464.

Schmid, Monika S. and K. Beers Fagersten. (2010) Disfluency markers in L1 attrition. 'Language Learning', 60 (4),753-791.

Cherciov, Mirela. (2011) Between acquisition and attrition: the dynamics between two languages in adult migrants' PhD dissertation, University of Toronto.

Lubinska, Dorota. (2011) Adult First Language Attrtion: The Case of Polish Speakers in Sweden'. PhD dissertation, University of Stockholm.

Montrul, S. (2011) Morphological errors in Spanish second language learners and heritage speakers. 'Studies in Second Language Acquistion'.

Polinsky, M. (2011) Reanalysis in adult heritage language: A case for attrition, 'Studies in Second Language Asquisiton'.

Badstübner, Tina. (2011) L1 attrition: German immigrants in the U.S. PhD dissertation, University of Arizona at Tuscon.

Köpke, B. & Schmid, M.S. (2011) Aspects psycholinguistiques de l'attrition de la première langue. Language, Interaction and Acquisition 2(2), 197-220.

Schmid, M.S. (2011) Contact x time: External factors and variability in L1 attrition, in: Monika S. Schmid and Wander Lowie (eds.) Modeling Bilingualism: From structure to chaos. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 155-176.

Opitz, Cornelia (2011) First Language Attrition and Second Language Acquisition in a Second Language Environment. PhD dissertation. University of Dublin.

Schmid, M. S. (2011) Language Attrition. Cambridge University Press.

Dastgoshadeh, A., & Jalilzadeh, K. (2011) Language Loss, Identity and English as an International Language. European Journal of Social sciences, 21(4), 659665.

Kang, S. G. (2011) English attrition in Korean–English bilingual children. Unpublished PhD dissertation, University of Hawai.

Suckova, Magda, (2012) Phonetic Changes in the Speech of Anglophone Expatriates. MA thesis, Masaryk University.

Varga, Zsolt. (2012) First language attrition and maintenance among Hungarian speakers in Denmark. Aarhus University.

Iverson, Michael Bryan (2012) 'Advanced language attrition of Spanish in contact with Brazilian Portuguese.' Unpublished doctoral dissertation,University of Iowa.

Mayr, R., Price, S., & Mennen, I. (2012) First language attrition in the speech of Dutch–English bilinguals: The case of monozygotic twin sisters. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 15 (4), 687–700.

Chang, Yufen. (2012) First language attrition: an investigation of Taiwanese tones and tone Sandhi. PhD dissertation, Indiana University.

Schmid, M. S. (2012) The impact of age and exposure on forgetting and retention of the birth language in international adoptees: a perspective from Holocaust survivors. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 2(2), 177-208.

Schmid, M.S. (2012) Language attrition and multilingualism, invited contribution to Carol A. Chapelle (ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Blackwell Wiley.

Opitz, Conny (2012) A dynamic perspective on late bilinguals' linguistic development in an L2 environment. International Journal of Bilingualism. Published online, 9 August.

Ecke, Peter and Hall, Christopher J. (2012) Tracking tip-of-the-tongue states in a multilingual speaker: Evidence of attrition or instability in lexical systems? International Journal of Bilingualism. Published online, 9 August.

Vanderplank, R. (2012) Language Attrition. System, 2012, Vol.40(2), pp.318-320

Syahdan S. (2012) Compensatory Strategies of First Language Attrition in Children. TEFLIN Journal, Vol 23, Iss 1, Pp 60-76 (2012), 2012

Flores, C (2012) Differential effects of language attrition in the domains of verb placement and object expression. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15(3), 550-567

D. Kimbrough Oller (2012) Billingual Language Development and Disorders in Spanish-English Speakers (second edition). Brian A. Goldstein, (ed).

Hopp, H. & Schmid, M. S. (2013) Perceived foreign accent in L1 attrition and L2 acquisition: the impact of age of acquisition and bilingualism. Applied Psycholinguistics 34(2), 361-394.

Schmid, M. S. (2013) Language attrition. Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 3(1), 96-117.

Schmid, M. S. (2013) First Language Attrition. WIRE's Cognitive Science 4(2), 117-123.

Schmid, M.S., Köpke B. & de Bot, K. (2013) Language attrition as a complex, non-linear development. International Journal of Bilingualism 17:6 (Special issue Dynamics of first language attrition across the lifespan), 675-683.

de Leeuw, E., Opitz, C. & Lubinska, D (2013) Dynamics of first language attrition across the lifespan introduction. International Journal Of Bilingualism, 2013 Dec, Vol.17(6), pp.667-674

Cherciov, M (2013) Investigating the impact of attitude on first language attrition and second language acquisition from a Dynamic Systems Theory perspective. International Journal Of Bilingualism, 2013 Dec, Vol.17(6), pp.716-733

De Leeuw, E., Mennen, I., & Scobbie, J. M. (2013) Dynamic systems, maturational constraints and L1 phonetic attrition. International Journal of Bilingualism, 2013, Vol.17(6), pp.683-700

Baladzhaeva, L. (2013) L1 attrition without L2 acquisition: a case of Russian-speaking immigrants in Israel. MA dissertation, University of Haifa, Haifa.

Schmid, Monika, S. (2014) The debate on maturational constraints in bilingual development: a perspective from first language attrition. Language Acquisition 21(4), 386-410.

Hopp, H. & Schmid, Monika S. (2014) Comparing foreign accent in L1 attrition and L2 acquisition: Range and rater effects. Language Testing 31(3), 367–388.

Schmid, M. S. & Jarvis, S. (2014) Lexical first language attrition. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 17(4), 729-748.

Schmid, Monika S. & Scott, J. (2014) Lexical access and lexical diversity in first language attrition* Bilingualism: Language And Cognition Volume 17 Issue 4 Page 729 | Cambridge University Press

Grabitzky, V. K. (2014) Vulnerable language areas in attriting L1 German : testing the interface hypothesis and structural overlap hypothesis. Doctoral Thesis.

Kargar, Rezai, M. J. (2014) The Contribution of Lexicon to the Language Attrition of Iranian Immigrants to Canada. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Vol.98, pp.830-838

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Unganer, T. (2014) First Language Loss; Why Should We Care? Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 19 December 2014, Vol.158, 351-355

Burn, J.A. ; Crezee, I. ; Hastwell, K. ; Brugh, E. & Harison, R. (2014) ‘I study long, long time in my language, so I never forget it’: reading and first language maintenance. Intercultural Education, 2014, Vol.25(5), 377-390

Slavkov, N. (2014) Language attrition and reactivation in the context of bilingual first language acquisition. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 2014, 1-20

Kargar, H. & Rezai, M. J. (2014) The Contribution of Lexicon to the Language Attrition of Iranian Immigrants to Canada. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014, Vol.98, 830-838

Parameshwaran, M. (2014) Explaining intergenerational variations in English language acquisition and ethnic language attrition. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 2014, Vol.37(1), 27-45

Katushemererwe, F. & Nerbonne, J. (2015) Computer-assisted language learning (CALL) in support of (re)-learning native languages: the case of Runyakitara. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 28(2), 112-129

Gürel, A. (2015) First language attrition of constraints on wh-scrambling: Does the second language have an effect? International Journal Of Bilingualism, 19 (1)

Flores, C. (2015) Losing a language in childhood: a longitudinal case study on language attrition. Journal of Child Language, 2015, Vol.42(3),562-590

Ribes, Y. & Llanes, À. (2015) First Language Attrition: The Effects of Acculturation to the Host Culture. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 13 February 2015, Vol.173, 181-185

Schmid, Monika S. & Barbara Köpke (eds.) (2019) The Oxford Handbook of Language Attrition

Schmid, M.S., Köpke B. & de Bot, K. (in press) Language attrition as a complex, non-linear development. International Journal of Bilingualism (Special issue Dynamics of first language attrition across the lifespan).

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